Opportunity to put forward ideas for health research
17 February 2016
NIHR CLAHRC West is looking for ideas for new research projects. CLAHRC West is a collaboration of health and social care organisations, universities and other partners to improve health through research. We would like to hear what patients, service users, carers and members of the public think health researchers should investigate.
Rosie and Andy (who will be running the workshops) are particularly keen to hear from people with more than one health condition. We want to improve the way that services are coordinated in order to deliver the most effective and efficient care to people with complicated health needs.
Do you have an idea to improve patient/user care or public health?
Would you like help in turning your idea into a research question that could form the basis of a project?
If you are interested please come to one of our workshops in early 2016 (lunch provided). Please click on the relevant date for more details and to register:
During the workshop we will help you turn your ideas into a research question. There will be the opportunity to submit your research question for consideration as a possible future project to CLAHRC West. You will also learn about People in Health West of England www.phwe.org.uk and other opportunities to get involved in research.
We will pay your travel expenses to come along. To find out more please contact Kim Thomas, email kim.thomas@nihr.ac.uk, telephone 0117 342 1251. If you can’t make the workshops but would still like to submit a research idea let us know and we will help you.