ARC West training portfolio gets positive survey response
28 June 2023
The results from nearly 100 respondents to our ARC West training survey show that our current training offer is well received and fit for purpose. The survey ran from early March to early April 2023, and 92 people completed it.
The survey aimed to:
Evaluate our current short courses and online learning materials
Enable us to meet future learning needs by identifying what type of courses and online learning materials participants would like in the future
Most respondents used or produced research evidence in their present role, with just over half employed in health and social care, with academia the next largest sector. Responders’ roles were varied, with many participants holding multiple roles.
Most respondents were interested in attending our current short courses. There was a clear majority preference for online compared to in person delivery.
The knowledge satisfaction rate for our short courses and online learning resources was high. Most respondents were likely (average 9/10) to recommend a short course or online learning materials to a friend or colleague.
Dr Rob Grieve, ARC West training co-lead, said:
“Our survey has shown that, overall, our portfolio of short courses and online learning materials is meeting the needs of our partners and others in the health and care sector. This survey has helped us identify other courses and online learning materials participants would like in the future.
“I’m looking forward to using the results from the survey to further develop our training portfolio. Thanks to my training co-lead Julie Mytton, our Head of Communications Zoe Trinder-Widdess and Training Co-ordinator Jon Kerslake for helping design and share the survey, and interpreting the results.”