The ARC West training section of our website has had a revamp to make it more user friendly and accessible. ARC West and other local providers’ courses are now searchable in a single database. This means you can find courses by topic, regardless of who they’re delivered by.
There’s also clearer differentiation between our bookable courses and our online resources. The changes also make it easier to search by delivery format across all providers, whether that’s face to face, remote or online self-led learning.
We’ve also put courses in further ahead, with dates on offer well into 2024.
Rob Grieve, ARC West Training and Capacity Building Theme Co-Lead, said:
“Our training pages have always been one of the most popular sections of our website. It’s great we’ve been able to invest in them and improve them for our website visitors.
“Our course offerings have mushroomed over the last few years. We started out offering face to face courses at our Bristol offices, but the pandemic changed all that.
“We quickly moved into live online courses via Zoom, as well as recorded sessions, online resources and bite sized training. To back this move up, our recent survey of our training course participants told us that more attendees prefer online delivery for courses.
“The changes to our website make it easier to find everything ARC West has to offer, as well as incorporating courses from other providers in the region more effectively. We really hope people enjoy using the new pages.”