Health economics poster presented at CLAHRCs PROMs conference
29 June 2016
Dr Paul Mitchell, CLAHRC West and UK Renal Registry’s health economics post-doctoral researcher, presented a poster examining how well typical health economics measures of patient benefit fit with the new ICECAP-A wellbeing measures.
In the poster, Paul, along with colleagues from the University of Bristol, King’s College London and Monash University, assessed how well measures of health status, such as the EQ-5D, are able to capture a person’s capability wellbeing as measured by the new ICECAP-A (ICEpop CAPability measure for Adults).
The ICECAP-A is a five item measure that attempts to capture broader wellbeing than health, in terms of a person’s ability to have enjoyment, autonomy and stability in their life. This analysis shows that across seven different health conditions (arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, diabetes, hearing loss and heart disease) and four countries, the health measures typically used by health economists to capture patient benefit fail to capture the majority of variation captured in the newly developed ICECAP-A.