More than 100 trained through CLAHRC West training and capacity building
6 January 2016
Over the last 12 months, over 100 people have attended our free CLAHRC West training courses. The courses have attracted applications from across health and social care. Applicants have included NHS healthcare professionals and managers, medical and nursing staff, allied health professionals, pharmacists, paramedics, psychologists, GPs as well as public health specialists, commissioners, university researchers and directors of third sector organisations and charities.
Applicants to attend our courses represent all the NHS trusts and local authorities in the CLAHRC West area, as well as local CCGs, Public Health England, Avon Primary Care Research Collaborative, West of England Academic Health Science Network, and the Universities of Bath, Bristol and the West of England (UWE).
The aim of the training and capacity building team at NIHR CLAHRC West is to promote the development of skills in understanding, using and producing evidence for the health, public health and commissioning workforce, and patients and members of the public. We do this through running courses, funding fellowships and collating other training opportunities in the region. One of the first things we did was to review training across the region to fill any gaps, developing our training offer as a result of this research.
The courses run in 2015 were:
Writing a journal article and getting it published
Service evaluation
Public health economics and social return on investment
Finding the evidence
Critical appraisal for healthcare professionals
NHS leadership academy: using evidence to lead masterclass for NHS managers
Feedback from the courses has been excellent, with quotes from some of our delegates below:
“Excellent all round, very enjoyable and useful.”
“Useful and practical tips that can be used to take action.”
“Thank you very much for all your advice and help – the course far exceeded my expectations and I have really enjoyed it. I will be recommending the course to others.”