
Here you can find plain language summaries of our research projects. You can also see our latest email newsletters and other publications.

Showing 86 publications

Dovetail Orchestra: The impact of a community music group for refugees in Bristol

Research summary

Most refugees have endured harrowing experiences in their homeland, while travelling to the UK and once they’re here. Research has shown that many refugees experience poor mental health as a result.

Dovetail Orchestra is a community music group for adult refugees and local musicians based in Bristol. It aims to create a welcoming space, foster social connections, and support musical learning.

Read Dovetail Orchestra: The impact of a community music group for refugees in Bristol

ARC West email newsletter – December 2024


In this edition: New Director announced; Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme evaluation; Community pharmacies and access to PrEP; How young people can get involved in research

Read ARC West email newsletter – December 2024

Improving review appointments for people with long-term conditions

Research summary

At least 15 per cent of adults have multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs). About five per cent have at least three conditions included in the NHS’s Quality & Outcomes Framework (QOF).

People with conditions listed in the QOF are invited to attend regular reviews. However, many repeatedly go to appointments where only one of their conditions is discussed.

We wanted to understand if replacing multiple reviews with a single annual review could improve care for patients living with MLTCs.

Read Improving review appointments for people with long-term conditions

Do school anti-bullying policies address weight?


How common is weight-based bullying and why does it need to be included in anti-bullying policies?

This infographic shares some information about anti-bullying policies in secondary schools in the West of England and their approach to weight-based bullying.

It is part of a wider project aimed at exploring how often policies explicitly mention weight-related bullying and how it’s handled by schools.

We hope this will help us build a picture of whether schools recognise weight-related bullying as an issue and how it is handled, if at all.

Read Do school anti-bullying policies address weight?

Understanding the lethal interactions between benzodiazepines and opioids

Research summary

The number of people dying because of drugs is rising in the UK, especially in Scotland. Many of these deaths involve a combination of opioids (heroin, methadone or buprenorphine) and benzodiazepines (benzos) or z-drugs (sedatives often used to treat anxiety and insomnia), either prescribed or obtained illegally.

We set out to understand how benzos or z-drugs and opioids work together and why this makes a fatal overdose more likely.

Read Understanding the lethal interactions between benzodiazepines and opioids

ARC West email newsletter – October 2024


In this edition: Involving public contributors in qualitative analysis; Knowledge mobilisation funding; Co-production to tackle primary care inequalities

Read ARC West email newsletter – October 2024

School behaviour management strategies ineffective and may impact mental health

Research summary

Disciplinary behaviour management strategies are common in UK secondary schools. This includes sanctions such as detention and isolation.

Our Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG) raised school discipline as something we should research. Our initial workshop with young people revealed negative experiences and impact on mental health and wellbeing.

Our Behaviour in Schools Study (BISS) aimed to find out more.

Read School behaviour management strategies ineffective and may impact mental health

ARC West email newsletter – September 2024


In this edition: Mental health impact of school discipline; Louise’s PPI diagram one year on; Local SDE gets new name; Holistic modelling could help shift the dial on obesity

Read ARC West email newsletter – September 2024

ARC West email newsletter – July 2024


In this edition: Best-evidenced PTSD treatments for young people in care; Video explores audiology patient reported experience measures; Public finds HIV and STI test kit vending machines acceptable

Read ARC West email newsletter – July 2024

What makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well?

Research summary

As the population ages, more people live with frailty and many are admitted to hospital with a frailty crisis.

Local health and care systems are introducing ‘virtual wards’ to help these patients be treated at home instead.

Frailty wards aim to prevent and treat crises, stabilise patient’s frailty and empower patients and caregivers to manage their own care.

Read What makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well?