
The Behaviour in Schools Study: How does school discipline affect pupil mental health and wellbeing?

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School behaviour management strategies ineffective and may impact mental health

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Screenshot of the school discipline systematic review paper

Disciplinary behaviour management strategies in schools and their impact on student psychosocial outcomes: A systematic review

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Dovetail Orchestra: Can a community music group improve mental health for asylum seekers and refugees in Bristol?

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Dovetail Orchestra research summary screenshot
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Dovetail Orchestra: The impact of a community music group for refugees in Bristol

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Improving review appointments for people with long-term conditions

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Screen shot of the PP4M PPI protocol paper

A proposal to embed patient and public involvement within qualitative data collection and analysis phases of a primary care based implementation study

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Evaluating the use of non-GP health professionals in primary care

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Screenshot of the ARRS paper in the British Journal of General Practice

Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme uptake, patient satisfaction, and QOF achievement: an ecological study from 2020–2023

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Accessing PrEP through pharmacies to improve HIV prevention

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Screenshot of paper titled: Facilitators and barriers to community pharmacy PrEP delivery - scoping review

Facilitators and barriers to community pharmacy PrEP delivery: a scoping review

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