
What makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well? A rapid realist review

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What makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well?

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Virtual wards for people with frailty: what works, for whom, how and why—a rapid realist review

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Interventions for children exposed to domestic violence: an evidence synthesis

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IMPRoving Outcomes for children exposed to domestic ViolencE (IMPROVE): an evidence synthesis

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How does school discipline affect pupil mental health and wellbeing?

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The ADViSE pilot: Using sexual health services to support people who have experienced domestic violence and abuse

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Assessing for domestic violence in sexual health environments: a qualitative study

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PHIAL – understanding which young people repeatedly use emergency services for mental health care

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Screenshot of paper titled: Factors associated with repeat emergency department visits for mental health care in adolescents: A scoping review

Factors associated with repeat emergency department visits for mental health care in adolescents: A scoping review

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Preventing post-operative urinary retention

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