The unprecedented impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had on our daily lives has been challenging for everyone. The Coronavirus Support App (UK) is designed to help people navigate this new world.
The app is free-to-download and has been created by Expert Self Care, a Bristol-based health information app provider. Expert Self Care is certified by the NHS England Information Standard as a provider of reliable health information.
They worked with a team of volunteers made up of UK health professionals, topic experts and members of the public, to develop the app’s content. The app’s development was supported by a range of partners, including NIHR ARC West, the Self Care Forum, the Patient Information Forum and Imperial College London, among others.
The app is aimed at people in the UK aged 16 and over who would like to learn more about coronavirus and COVID-19. Accurate information can help people to protect themselves, the people close to them and the wider public, and reduce avoidable pressure on the NHS.
The app aims to provide easy and quick access to evidence-informed information about coronavirus and COVID-19 all in one place, even when offline. People need easy access to reliable information to:
It also signposts to other reliable, trusted sources of information. It answers key questions like who is at risk, what the symptoms are and how to stay healthy during lockdown. It also offers advice for a range of situations, including for anyone feeling anxious, at risk of domestic violence and abuse, or in need of medical treatment.
ARC West’s Communications Manager was part of the editorial team who worked on the app’s content development, also helping get it published and promoted once it was live.