Financial hardship and mental health presentation in top 10 abstracts at Society for Social Medicine ASM
3 October 2016
Tess Moore’s abstract for her presentation at the 60th annual scientific meeting of the Society for Social Medicine was recognised as one of the top 10 in the conference. The presentation was on the CLAHRC West systematic review looking at financial hardship and mental health.
Tess, who is a Senior Research Associate at NIHR CLAHRC West, gave a presentation called ‘Interventions to reduce the impact of unemployment and economic hardship on mental health in the general population: Systematic review’. The paper for this study has just been accepted by the Journal for Psychological Medicine.
The conference was held from 14-16 September at the University of York. CLAHRC West’s Tim Jones also had a poster called ‘The effectiveness of varenicline versus nicotine replacement therapy on long-term smoking cessation in primary care: a prospective cohort study of electronic medical records’ at the conference.