Applied data science

The applied data science team uses data to uncover the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions, and how these link to health services, using the best techniques to increase the reliability of their findings.

Theme lead: Professor Yoav Ben-Shlomo

Team members

Dr Emily Eyles

Senior Research Associate, Quantitative Research

Dr Jessica Watson

GP and Doctoral Research Fellow

Dr Loubaba Mamluk

Senior Research Associate, Quantitative Research

Dr Martha Elwenspoek

Research Fellow in Test Evaluation

Dr Rachel Perry

Senior Research Associate in Evidence Synthesis

Dr Rebecca Wilson

Senior Research Associate in Quantitative Research and Evidence Synthesis

Dr Russell Bowater

Senior Research Associate in Evidence Synthesis

Dr Theresa Redaniel

Team Lead and Senior Lecturer in Health Services Research and Epidemiology
  • Team Lead

Hannah Edwards

Senior Research Associate, Quantitative Research

Jialan Hong

Research Associate in Data and Quantitative Research

Joni Jackson

Senior Research Associate, Quantitative Research

Jyoti Goyal

Senior Research Associate, Quantitative Applied Health Research

Lauren Scott

Senior Research Associate, Quantitative Research/Evidence Synthesis

Professor Frank de Vocht

Applied Data Sciences Team Co-lead

Professor Kate Tilling

Applied data science workstream lead

Professor Tim Peters

Applied data science workstream lead

Professor Yoav Ben-Shlomo

Cross-cutting Methodological Theme Lead


The Bristol Evaluation of Advertising Restrictions Study (BEAR study): Findings from the baseline data

Research themes:

Research teams:


Assessing exposure to outdoor advertisement for products high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS); is self-reported exposure a useful exposure metric?

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Improving the diagnosis of coeliac disease

Research themes:

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Screen shot of the paper

Accuracy of potential diagnostic indicators for coeliac disease: a systematic review protocol

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Developing the Great Western Secure Data Environment (SDE)

Research themes:

Research teams:

SHarED: Supporting people who are ‘high impact users’ of emergency departments

Research themes:

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Screenshot of paper titled: Supporting High-impAct useRs in Emergency Departments (SHarED) quality improvement: a mixed-method evaluation

Supporting High-impAct useRs in Emergency Departments (SHarED) quality improvement: a mixed-method evaluation

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Evaluating ADViSE: a domestic abuse intervention in sexual health clinics

Research themes:

Research teams:

Common Ambition Bristol: Addressing HIV stigma and testing in partnership with African/Caribbean communities

Research themes:

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