Behavioural and qualitative science

The behavioural and qualitative science team focuses on adapting behavioural interventions for diverse communities and using qualitative methods to understand the views, cultures and behaviours of individuals and groups. They uncover experiences of health and care, ensuring a wide range of viewpoints is included.

Theme lead: Professor Lucy Yardley

Team members

Dr Andrew Turner

Senior Research Associate

Dr Anne Scott

Senior Research Associate

Dr Beki Langford

Research Fellow

Dr China Harrison

Research Fellow

Dr Christalla Pithara-McKeown

Senior Research Associate, Qualitative Research

Dr David Troy

Senior Research Associate

Dr Elisabeth Grey

Research Fellow

Dr Fiona Fox

Research Fellow in Qualitative Research

Dr Hannah Family

Research Fellow (Qualitative and Behavioural Science)

Dr Heather Brant

Research Fellow

Dr Helen Watts

Research Associate

Dr Innocent Mahiya

Senior Research Associate

Dr Jessica Wheeler

Senior Research Associate in Qualitative Research

Dr Joanna Kesten

Research Fellow, Qualitative Research

Dr Jonathan Banks

Research Fellow, Qualitative Research

Dr Michelle Farr

Senior Research Fellow, Qualitative Research

Dr Rowan Brockman

Senior Research Associate

Dr Sabi Redwood

Acting Director and Implementation Lead
  • Team Lead

Dr Sarah Bell

Senior Research Associate in Qualitative Research

Dr Sarah Harding

Senior Research Associate

Dr Selin Sevis

Senior Research Associate

Dr Vicky Carlisle

Senior Research Associate

Jane Williams

Senior Research Associate

Mari-Rose Kennedy

Research Associate

Professor Jeremy Horwood

Professor of Social Sciences and Health
  • Team Lead

Professor Katrina Turner

Workstream Lead

Professor Lucy Yardley

Cross-cutting Methodological Theme Lead

Sarah Donald

Research Associate


The Bristol Evaluation of Advertising Restrictions Study (BEAR study): Findings from the baseline data

Research themes:

Research teams:


Assessing exposure to outdoor advertisement for products high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS); is self-reported exposure a useful exposure metric?

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How does school discipline affect pupil mental health and wellbeing?

Research themes:

Research teams:

Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapies for children in care

Research themes:

Research teams:

Screen shot of the paper about trauma focused CBT for care experienced young people

Access to best-evidenced mental health support for care-experienced young people: Learnings from the implementation of cognitive therapy for PTSD

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Introducing vending machines for HIV self-testing and STI self-sampling kits

Research themes:

Research teams:

Screenshot of paper titled: Acceptability of digital vending machines to access STI and HIV tests in two UK cities

Acceptability of digital vending machines to access STI and HIV tests in two UK cities

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Building research capacity in children’s social care: the SEEDS project

Research themes:

Research teams: