The evidence team can review published research studies, or others’ reviews where they exist, as well as various types of data, to help build a picture of the evidence that already exists for a topic or project.
Theme lead: Professor Julian Higgins
Disciplinary behaviour management strategies in schools and their impact on student psychosocial outcomes: A systematic review
Read the paperIdentifying potentially low value surgical care: A national ecological study in England
Read the paperWhat makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well?
Download the BITEVirtual wards for people with frailty: what works, for whom, how and why—a rapid realist review
Read the paperIMPRoving Outcomes for children exposed to domestic ViolencE (IMPROVE): an evidence synthesis
Read the paperAssessing for domestic violence in sexual health environments: a qualitative study
Read the paperFactors associated with repeat emergency department visits for mental health care in adolescents: A scoping review
Read the paper