
The evidence team can review published research studies, or others’ reviews where they exist, as well as various types of data, to help build a picture of the evidence that already exists for a topic or project.

Theme lead: Professor Julian Higgins

Team members

Dr Jelena Savović

Senior Lecturer in Evidence Synthesis
  • Team Lead

Dr Maggie Westby

Senior Research Associate

Dr Rachel Perry

Senior Research Associate in Evidence Synthesis

Dr Rebecca Wilson

Senior Research Associate in Quantitative Research and Evidence Synthesis

Dr Russell Bowater

Senior Research Associate in Evidence Synthesis

Dr Sharea Ijaz

Research Fellow in Evidence Synthesis

Professor Julian Higgins

Cross-cutting Methodological Theme Lead

Sarah Dawson

Senior Research Associate in Information Retrieval

Tess Moore

Senior Research Associate, Evidence Synthesis


How does school discipline affect pupil mental health and wellbeing?

Research themes:

Research teams:

What makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well? A rapid realist review

Research themes:

Research teams:

Screenshot of BITE titled: What makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well?
ARC bite:

What makes a virtual ward for patients with frailty work well?

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Virtual wards for frailty rapid realist review screenshot

Virtual wards for people with frailty: what works, for whom, how and why—a rapid realist review

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Interventions for children exposed to domestic violence: an evidence synthesis

Research themes:

Research teams:


IMPRoving Outcomes for children exposed to domestic ViolencE (IMPROVE): an evidence synthesis

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The ADViSE pilot: Using sexual health services to support people who have experienced domestic violence and abuse

Research themes:

Research teams:


Assessing for domestic violence in sexual health environments: a qualitative study

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PHIAL – understanding which young people repeatedly use emergency services for mental health care

Research themes:

Research teams:

Screenshot of paper titled: Factors associated with repeat emergency department visits for mental health care in adolescents: A scoping review

Factors associated with repeat emergency department visits for mental health care in adolescents: A scoping review

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Preventing post-operative urinary retention

Research themes:

Research teams: